through me, to the sorrowful city
I have been to a place that I felt fully discarded and was emotionally cast adrift, and I’m able to enter that place subconsciously in dream or only when I have a complete mental-breakdown that happens periodically. This series of photographs formulates as a journey of me undaergoing cruel passages of feelings to that place, and it also offers a mirror that could elicit a certain emotional resonance or inner dialogue in those who view it, especially in those who have suffered the trauma of profound loss. If Inferno can be said to contain any optimism, I believe it lies in our own understanding of hopes and lives. So does my random journey to a place of discard, which I therefore regard as a port in relationship to the unknown selves. 傷痛以各種不同的形式存在於我們身體裡,同時撕裂也溫暖著我們。藉著這組作品,我想讓曾經受過傷的人看到照片後能有相同的共鳴,或試著與自己展開對話。 此系列援引但丁《神曲》中地獄之門的文字,也結合西班牙畫家哥雅的繪畫風格,以及美國醫學標本博物館的相關概念,甚至科幻電影的場景元素,也成為構思畫面的靈感來源,透過 Storytelling(故事敘事法)的方式,進一步將這些看似不相干的事物交織串聯。