在追尋自我本質的過程裡,我以攝影作為創作方式,在過程中以自己的內在與外在為原型作為拍攝素材,更試圖以攝影封存任何關於這趟探索的證據。 身為一位創作者,「Beauty and Darkness」 是我的核心理念與主旨,貫穿過去及此次以「蝴蝶」為主角的自拍肖像作品。在我的想像中,我願生命的最後依然美好,而「蝴蝶」,則是那美麗的化身及我靈魂的擺渡人。 拍攝過程中,我讓自己進入假想的「靈魂出竅」狀態,將自己擺放於場景中,讓蝴蝶輕盈的翅膀翩翩飛舞,祂們迎接我的靈魂,而我們進入彼此的另一個世界。 巨幅重鉻酸膠質顯影(Gum Bichromate)作品,堆疊兩層的感光塗料與水彩,拼湊出主體零碎的身軀,就像在腦中重組潛意識裡的記憶拼圖。 Photographs are not merely proofs of existence and evidence, they are my medium of exploring my flowing identity. As an artist, taking self as the subject for almost ten years, I always wonder how and where our spirit travels to in the long end. This series of photographs formulates as the moment when butterflies took away my “soul” to the unknown space, which has elicit a a dialogue between the seen and the unseen of our human existence. The great symbolism of butterfly has been deep rooted in our Chinese culture: they are messengers in-between, and they are always on route to a mysterious space. In recalling our souls, what have they become?