文學出身的影像創作者,同時以經營者、教育者,英文攝影書籍譯者身份生活於台北。曾受 TEDx 邀請為年會講者,分享古典顯影藝術。

Anna 於 2011 年取得舊金山藝術大學 MFA 攝影碩士學位,2014 年創辦個人工作室,以新一代教育者之姿開啟了台灣新型態攝影創作思潮,並與工作團隊致力於發掘、培養台灣本土新銳攝影師。

Anna 的攝影作品從情感出發,以 Storytelling(故事敘事法)以及 Self-portrait(自拍)的方式表述,並使用十九世紀古典化學方法(Historical Process)印製與展出。Anna 相信,以自己為本質的創作就像一段未知的旅程,我們可從中感受到生命的各種啟發與意義。

She create works in response to her emotions linking past memories, psychic distress, and even ineffable feelings of the trauma. Her works feature a strong narrative that triggers a direct and straightforward response from the audience.

Anna specialized in Alternative Photographic Processes of 19th century, including cyanotypes, salted paper prints, Van Dyke Brown, tintypes, Gum Bichromate, etc. She believes it is the marrying of a image with the certain process that makes a photograph distinctive, timeless, and speaks its own volume. She aims to share the beauty of each process to anyone.
舊金山藝術大學 MFA攝影碩士
2010/Academy of Art University, MFA Photography
輔仁大學英文系 學士
2008/Fu-Jen Catholic University, English major


2014 英翻中


 "Behind The Mask: Rose of Modernity", Museum Center Krasnoyarsk, Russia
The New Era of Photography:The Fever of “Self-portraits”
蝴蝶 攝影個展
BUTTERFLY, Solo Exhibition, TAIPEI
TED  水面之下 年會講者/主題:古典顯影
2017/TEDxChungChengU Speaker, Taiwan
Topic: Historical Process
酸鹼中和 Being Neutral 韓筠青古典顯影個展
2017/Being Neutral – Solo Exhibition, Kaoshiung, Taiwan
銀鹽世代 - 尋找歲月靈光 國立台灣美術館展覽/張照堂、簡永彬策展
2016/The Silver Halide Era - Aura of Times Vintage Photography Prints by Taiwanese 
Photographers 1890s~2015, Curators: CHANG Chao-tang, CHIEN Yun-ping
The Asteroid 57 Project 個展
Young Art Taipei 參展攝影師
(a) void 年度個展
Love & Relics 新光三越巡迴個展
2014/Love & Relics, Solo exhibition hosted by Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi, Taiwan
美國舊金山SPE攝影論壇 鹽印法作品展出
2012/Selected Salt Printing Works, SPE Photography Conference, San Francisco, USA


新光三越國際攝影比賽 貳獎
2016/Second Place, Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Int'l Photo-taking Contest, Taiwan
Finalist, Best of Photography
2016/Photographer's Forum, USA
新光三越國際攝影比賽 首獎
2013/First Place, Shin-Kong Mitsukoshi Int'l Photo-taking Contest, Taiwan
SOHO PHOTO GALLERY 鹽印法作品得獎與展出/美國紐約
2012/Selected Salt Printing Works, SOHO PHOTO GALLERY, New York, USA
SHOTS MAGAZINE Issue, no. 113 自拍作品入選/美國獨立藝術雜誌
2011/Self-Portrait Works, SHOTS MAGAZINE_ Self-portrait Issue, no. 113., USA
SOHO PHOTO GALLERY 染色氰顯影作品得獎與展出/美國紐約
2011/Selected Cyanotype Works, SOHO PHOTO GALLERY, New York, USA. SOHO PHOTO GALLERY
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